Happier Life

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sherpa Strength Herbal Supplement for Muscle Power

Sherpa Strength is a natural supplement that improves your stamina and strength.  It will:
  • Bolster your Core Energy
  • Support Glutathione Activity
  • Nurture Growth Hormone Production

Sherpa Strength bolsters core energy, glutathione, and growth hormone levels to enhance muscle power.

100% Herbal Extracts Formulation
60 500mg Capsules per Box
(Dosage 2 Capsules per Day)
Common NameRaw Herb Equivalent
per 500mg Capsule
Primary Benefits
950 mg
Supports healthy core energy
Asparagus Adscendens
800 mg
Supports healthy blood cell production
Indian Kudzu
800 mg
Promotes native growth hormone levels
325 mg
Sustains healthy nervous system function
480 mg
Promotes healthy liver function
400 mg
Supplies antioxidants to boost energy
Indian Cardamom
400 mg
Supplies glutathione for cell health
Long Pepper
2,000 mg
Supports healthy nutrition absorption
Sherpa Strength's proprietary formulation contains 233 natural phytonutrientsthat exert 503 synergistic activities on your body. Many of these phytonutrients are widely recognized for their contribution to Strength Development.
For example:
  • Choline - Promotes fat metabolism
  • Cysteine - Combats fatigue during resistance training
  • Ferulic Acid - Enhances stamina during endurance training
  • Genistein - Boosts bone density
  • Glabridin - Supports stamina and bone health
  • Quercetin - Supports recovery after exercise
  • Thiamin - Engenders quicker recovery from muscle failure

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