Happier Life

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kama Rani

Kama Rani Herbal Supplement for Female Libido

Kama Rani is a natural supplement that improves female libido.  It will:

  • Bolster your Estrogenic Activity
  • Support your Reproductive Health
  • Heighten your Sexual Experience
  • Kama Rani supports estrogenic activity and rejuvenates genital health to heighten female libido. 
100% Herbal Extracts Formulation
60 500mg Capsules per Box
(Dosage 2 Capsules per Day)
Common NameRaw Herb Equivalent
per 500mg Capsule
Primary Benefits
750 mg
Heightens sexual experience
Asparagus Adscendens
750 mg
Heightens sexual experience
Chinese Smilax
750 mg
Supports healthy inflammation response
375 mg
Supports healthy estrogenic activity
750 mg
Promotes nutrition delivery to genitals
Spanish Pellitory
750 mg
Bolsters natural sensitivity of genitals
300 mg
Fosters healthy libido
150 mg
Supports reproductive system
Black Gram
250 mg
Boosts aphrodisiac activity
200 mg
Supplies antioxidants to boost energy
Kama Rani's proprietary formulation contains 103 natural phytonutrients that exert 321 synergistic activities on your body. Many of these phytonutrients are widely recognized for their contribution to Women's Sexual Health.

For example:

Ascorbic-Acid - Supports the female reproductive system
Diosgenin, Kaempferol, Resveratrol, Stigmasterol - Exert estrogenic activities to counteract decline in estrogen levels
Magnesium - Promotes relaxation


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