Happier Life

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Medical Consultation

Your Holistic Healthcare Partner

Submit Your Medical History

Holistc Health
Submit Your Medical History

India Herbs' mission is to ensure your optimal health. 
We offer you more than just quality Ayurveda Herbal Supplements!  Our team of Health Specialists works with you long-term to align your mind, body, and spirit for optimal health and happiness.
Medical History

  • You are encouraged to submit your Medical History before you purchase any supplements from us.  This consultation is free for existing customers and costs a nominal USD 30 for new customers.  If you decide to try any of our products for a period of 4 months or more (the time it typically takes for most benefits to be realized with Ayurvedic Medicine), then the USD 30 amount will be credited back to you at the time of order placement.  You are also covered by our 110% Money Back Guarantee when trying any product for a minimum 4 month period.

Health Guidance
  • A qualified doctor will review your Medical History and provide you a thorough consultation via email and phone with recommendations on lifestyle, diet, supplementation, exercise, stress management, meditation, yoga, and neural conditioning.  We give you everything possible to address your health concerns safely and naturally.
  • As our customer, you get a personal health advisor who monitors your progress on a monthly basis via phone calls and email and schedules follow-on doctor consultations as required.
  • Our team provides you the knowledge and encouragement to take ALL necessary actions for attaining optimal health.  We accompany you every step of the way.
India Herbs' comprehensive holistic healthcare support along with well-researched, proprietary Ayurveda Herbal Supplementation helps you reach your health goals in a consistent, methodical manner.
We are so confident in our ability to deliver results that our service is backed by a 110% Money Back Guarantee!
If you are ready to make a sincere effort to attain better health, then start today by arranging for a Medical Consultation.
- See more at: http://www.india-herbs.com/consultations?&language=en&aff=ahlan#sthash.BxVRKPTM.dpuf

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